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Job and its importance in life

February 21, 2022by Asif Theyyampattil0


Blog Article Written by :

Shemimon Yousef
CEO, Handcraft Business Training (Training Division of ATBC)

In today’s world, a job (commonly used term – work) holds great importance in our life. We aspire to do better and fulfill our dreams and desires, but we seldom ask ourselves what a job actually is and what importance it holds in our lives. In our country, by the age of 21, we enter into the professional world. We acquire a job for our livelihood.


Going by dictionary meaning, job means ‘a paid position of regular employment or ‘a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid’. These definitions define that we do our job, as we want to get paid. Most of us are paid by money, which motivates us to get a job and do the task or work. Our main priority is to grow and earn income, that’s what motivates us intrinsically.


In the zest of earning money & growing in our life, we forget about what matters most in our life. Life is what matters the most in our lives, but we rarely bother to think about that. The major portion of conscious hours in a day is spent in a job. In a day we spend most of our time in our job, which comprise 9 hrs. Let’s assume a daily chore of an average person having a job. Out of 24 hrs, he/she spends 9 hrs doing the job (i.e. 37.5% of the day), 10 hrs is spent in sleeping, resting, having morning & evening meals, getting ready for office, etc (i.e. almost 42% of the day) and what remains is 5 hrs (i.e approx. 20.5% of the day). Ever wondered what we do with those remaining 5 hrs. But my question is how much serious are we about our job? Is our job creating our life or destroying our life? What are we paying to get paid? Do we ever think about that? Don’t you think that such thoughts can add more value to your job and help us to perform better?


Most of us, are not conscious about the way our life is moving on and what we are feeding into our minds. To be precise, feeding our subconscious mind holds the key to life. The subconscious mind plays a vital role in creating and destroying our lives as it is responsible for our attitude, behavior, belief, character, personality, etc. Our conscious mind senses the world around us and whatever it senses are stored in our subconscious mind. From which beliefs are set, habits are born, becoming the reason for our behavior, defining our character, and creating our personality.


An average Indian spends almost about 40 years doing work for livelihood. While spending our time doing our job, we are not only earning but we are creating ourselves also, every day. We rarely look at our habits and the way we behave, both consciously and subconsciously. Most of us, are not satisfied with our work and complain about our situation, but never introspect ourselves for the real reason behind it. Now imagine, if you are not satisfied with your job and the work you do for the whole professional life, what will be its effect on your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual life? How much it will affect your family life? What’s the fun of living such a life?


That’s why doing a job better is very much important for us. But for a job well done, we need to be professional. By profession I mean ‘a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification’. How many of us are trained or trained ourselves to do our job better? Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skill, and competencies to fulfill the task we give. Every job requires a set of hard skills and soft skills. Though both sets of skills hold importance in the successful implementation of our task, I give more importance to soft skills. We should be more aware of the soft skills we have and should have. Soft skills have a major role to perform better in our job.


When we first get a job, we mostly focus on learning that job and fulfilling it. But we don’t realize that we are entering a whole new world, with whole new people with different attitudes and behaviors. The way it takes many years to learn calculation and language in basic education, the same way it takes a few years to learn basic professional skills (related to soft skills) which decides further success in our professional life. We all have our dream profession, that we love and enjoy doing, but the problem is that most of us (I believe 90% of our population) don’t know what our dream profession is. And for those who know about their dream profession, I would say it would take many years to reach there. And once we start doing our dream job, our life changes for the better and more beautiful. As I said earlier, Life is what matters the most in life. And we should enjoy our life to the fullest, whether it is our personal life or professional life. Every moment that we spend in our job is nothing but our life itself and we must enjoy it, make it successful and meaningful to ourselves and others.


Be conscious about what you are doing. How it can be done in a comfortable and better way? What more should I need to learn to lead a successful life? There are many ways to learn to better our life. Give more importance and priority to spend time in developing your life. We all get 1440 mins per day and we should spend at least 30 mins learning and developing our skills to make our life easy.


Before ending this article, I would like to share a short poem that I wrote a decade ago,


‘Life gets once, twice we can’t borrow,

So always stay happy, never get sorrow.

Success is not so easy, always keep trying,

Try, try, try again & always keep smiling.’


Have a great day…


Asif Theyyampattil

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